Chevron Osteotomy
In this surgery, we do three things. First, we take the bony bump on the side of your toe off, second we narrow the foot down by cutting across the first metatarsal bone, and thirdly we tighten the ligaments so that your toe goes straight.
Care of your foot after surgery
Prior to your surgery, you should obtain a bunion shoe. These are available at Campbell River Health & Drugs, 465 Merecroft Road (250-286-1771 ph). Men/Ladies - Sm., Med., Lg. ($19.99) Men - XLg. ($22.99). You can walk around on your heel in the bunion shoe, but should not roll off the front of your foot.
When your surgery is done, you will have dissolvable sutures. These do not need to be removed.
Elevate your leg frequently in the first few days after surgery.
I will put a tape dressing on your foot after your surgery. Let me know if you have any tape allergies.
The tape dressing is very important, as it holds your toe in the right position while the ligaments are healing. This dressing should not be removed! If it gets soaked, or damaged in some other way, please contact my office and I will put it back on. This is not a dressing that most nurses or family doctors know how to apply.
It is normal for the dressing to get bloody. I will see you back around the two week mark after surgery and probably change the dressing at this point. Usually the dressing is on until about the six week mark after surgery.
After the dressing is taken off, you will need a silicone toe spacer between your first and second toe for about a month in your shoes. You can usually obtain this at a drugstore, but if you can’t find one, the Rehab Services Dept. at Campbell River Hospital sells them.